Our Programs

So many ways to get involved!
We feel so excited to about all the learning opportunities our school gardens offer students, teachers and our community. Please take some time to read through each program listed below, and spread the word to anyone that you know would like to join or would be interested in this information for their school.
Kidston Garden Club

The Kidston Garden Club meets once a week at lunch hour during our spring and fall school months. It is open to anyone and everyone interested in learning about or has a passion for gardening. We do all sorts of fun and interesting projects.
We plant from seed and seedling, weed and water, and our favourite part is we get to HARVEST our wonderful veggies! The Garden Club also helps to look after our Butterfly Garden at the front of the school!
Meet us in Room 106 at lunch hour and come ready for some gardening goodness.
Refer to our BLOG to read about previous Kidston Garden Club adventures.
We cannot wait to see you there!
The Intergenerational Landed Learning Program (School Garden Outreach) is an outreach program of the Okanagan Science Centre and brings together children, educators and community volunteers, “Garden Friends,” who work together in small groups to explore science; plan, plant and care for a garden; and harvest and enjoy delicious foods they have grown together.
The School Garden Outreach Program explores nature science, the connections between land, food, environment and health and develops meaningful relationships with community elders who mentor children in exploring nature and growing food.
Click here for even more information OR if you are interested in volunteering as a Garden Friend.
Garden to Plate Program

Our gardens don't take a summer break when the students do!
The gardens still need lots of love and care over the summer months to be strong for the return of students and teachers and ... Fall Harvest in September!! We are asking as many families in the community as possible to commit to watering & weeding our garden. You can sign up for one day, one week, weekly or as many times as you choose.
BONUS: Please enjoy picking and using some garden treasures on your watering day(s). We only ask that you take what you will use and are mindful that others watering in days after you will also be excited to trial the veggies too.
Okanagan Science Center Intergenerational Landed Learning Program

Over the past couple of years a focus on 'healthy food choices’ for students has grown at Kidston Elementary School. With the passion and support from Kidston's Garden to Plate Lead; Dawn (aka. Gramma D) along with the PAC Hot Lunch Program a mission was developed to ‘provide a nutritious and appealing lunch program that educates and encourages children to enjoy healthy food choices in a sustainable, renewable environment'.
Inspired by the dream of a school garden and partnerships created with local farms, this focus to have children become interested and inspired by healthy foods began with colourful and nutritious initiatives such as delicious smoothies and rainbow salad bar lunches. The recent and very exciting introduction of our Kidston Garden fuelled and expanded these programs with the most recent being Gramma D's hearty home-grown-home-made soups and the very popular Purple Potato Baked Fries. By allowing the students to help with the preparation, so many students are amazed that something so simple could taste SO good.
We are always so excited to see what Gramma D has planned next! We sure feel so fortunate to know her dedication, green thumb passion and healthy food fun spreads to the students at Kidston Elementary School.
Summer Watering Partnership Program